Maykofi is Arabica, the highest quality type of coffee, and with the most recognition and consumption in the world

Maykofi is 100% Colombian Arabica coffee that is cultivated in coffee farms located in the Western and Central Cordilleras of Valle del Cauca.

Maykofi is produced after a meticulous selection of beans both in terms of size and quality, removing all types of pasilla, defective beans and small beans in order to obtain a score of:

SCA +86

Specialty Coffee Association.

Only coffees with a score of more than 80 points are considered special.





The Colombian Coffee Quality Triangle

Our certifications

The best process

You can have the best Arabica coffee in Colombia, the best beans, but to have the best Coffee in a cup, you must also have the best threshing, roasting, grinding and packaging process.

The best Arabica coffee in Colombia.

Maykofi is processed in the best coffee roaster in Colombia, certified (1-065-00 FNC) by the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, with more than 30 years of experience and the highest technology.

We have the best process

Process of threshing

Process of roasting

Process of grinding

Process of packaging

Maykofi, is a registered trademark before the SIC. Export registration #2796 of the FNC.

Maykofi, is a registered trademark before the SIC. Export registration #2796 of the FNC.